Member-only story
Plotting: Planning
I love those two words together, one of my favourite jokes (and I love to joke) is when someone asks me: How are you? I always reply “Here plotting… I mean planning..”, I love to see how people open their eyes in shock (that’s another thing you should know about me I love shocking people, I love to see their reactions and how they behave after they hear I am busy “plotting”)
It cracks me up :D
But if you think about it, plotting and planning are the two sides of the same coin, right?
I mean in both you have to take certain measure to achieve a goal. But one, plotting, is dark and obscure. When you say plotting, you imply that you might deceive, hurt, scratch, break, cheat, and step on people to get what you want.
Sounds exciting :)
And planning refers to the organisation of certain measures and steps to secure and achieve the desire target.
That sounds unexciting and boring but professional.
Anyway, I will leave you here because I have to start planning classes when I would rather be plotting ;)